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ISO-tech Belgium: Stronger and stronger partnerships in Turkey and Mexico


The company Marmara Metal (, which has been ISO-tech’s Turkish allied for 3 years, did outclass everyone else again during the 12th Ankiros show at the TUYAP convention center in Istanbul from Sept, 11th till 13th. Marmara Metal was keen on marking the 20th anniversary of its existence and had therefore erected a grandiose booth where it had invited all its suppliers of foundry products, such as Aluminium Martigny (FR), F. LLI. Mazzon (IT) and Lungmuß (DE) among other ones, and ISO-tech Belgium of course! (see enclosed picture)
The show gathered more than 16 000 domestic and international visitors who walked the luminous alleys along which any of the 975 exhibitors were presenting their products and/or services.
Fortified by the numerous leads it fastened with potentials, Marmara Metal made the proposition that ISO-tech Belgium visit them next year in order to study the trials undergone in the meantime as well as train the end users on the technical aspects of our mica insulating material.


Through its Mexican distributor, ISO-tech Belgium made a bright appearance at the 19th edition of the international FundiExpo that the Mexican Association for the Foundries (SMF) organizes. The large-scale event took place at the Cintermex in Monterrey in the North-East of Mexico this year. From 24th to 26th September the foundry sector occupied 5700 m² of exhibiting room. It is stimulated by an automotive industry in brilliant shape. While fewer visitors attended this time, the commercial success is far-reaching and heralds a strong growth on the Mexican market for ISO-tech Belgium next year.
Right after its curtains closed the show brought about 2 consecutive orders, which augurs a good year coming. The mica pallets are on their way to the Gulf of Mexico and will serve the Central and South American continent, where our distributor is firmly anchored. We wish them profitable outcomes and look forward to meeting with them again during a common trip to the end users scheduled in the spring.