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Zoom on: ISO-foil R-M2V to replace Sinter product

Sinter-foil laminate is a material made of 2 glass mats stuck on both side of the mica paper.
Such chemical composition as fibrous glass chopped strand has been defined under CAS number 65997-17-3. Though not classified as a carcinogen substance, EU regulation recommends the use of individual protection when dust concentration is higher than 5 mg/m3. This requires measures in the workplace which can be very restrictive, as opposed to the glass cloth used in our ISO-foil ‘RM2V’ which is not classified (no CAS number) and does NOT require any control or individual protection when manipulated.
We consider that ISO-foil ‘RM2V’ is much safer than the usual Sinter foil laminate recommended by some competitors. It is clearly an improvement for the workers and  the environment.

What about EU specifications?

EU Reach regulation specifies the risk to workers from all chemical materials. All the details can be checked on the EU website
This data base contains all the safety instructions which have to be respected when material is used (such as labelling), and estimates the health risk to workers.
Based on the EC/ list number, CAS number or name, all registered substances are classified and defined. All the risks have been investigated and rules have been established for each substance to protect the workers and the environment.

It is important for us to stay informed of new EU regulations and all potential risks for the health: ISO-tech Belgium looks after the well-being of its clients.

Do not hesitate to contact us to receive more information about this topic or receive our technical/safety data sheets.